電気通信大学 明・佐藤研究室

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Ming Laboratory


Quadruped Robot

Research and development of a biomimetic quadruped robot

Dynamic Humanoid Robot

Research and development of a high athletic performance humanoid robot

Biomimetic Soft Robot

Biomimetic soft underwater robot

Biomimetic soft flapping robot

In our laboratory, we are working on research and development of highly flexible biomimetic robots. These robots consist of soft actuators and soft materials. With this flexible structure, we are aiming to realize a robot with high flexibility and mobility that mimics the behavior of a living thing. Currently, we have mainly studied creatures that flap in the air or swim underwater as mimicking target.

Robot Hand Using Proximity Sensor

Research and development of robot hand using proximity sensor

Gear measuring instrument

Gear measuring instrument

Last-modified: 2019-10-18 (金) 17:28:56